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28 January, 2013

Visual Stimuli 28.01.2013

annnnnd I missed the ice-cream truck :(......

Nicolas le Boulanger.
I already had an intense admiration towards these creatures.
Now, I am flat out in love with them.
Andy Warhol. Just google him :P
Vexing :P
Pablo Reinoso.

Karel Martens
Not sure.

One badass pup. Don't mess with him!

Bjarke Ingels
Ryan Feerer. Cool cat.

Easy Tiger Bake Shop and Beer Garden
Tatiana Trouve

Love 'em :)

aaaahahahahahahaha, watch your feet!!!

Love this sign. If it wasn't so overused, I would have gotten a tattoo of it. Tang Yau Hoong
Jelena Abbou for MAC

Susannah Benjamin or Rona Represents
Yeah. Let's celebrate that on April 30th with us!!!!
Andre Beato
Yeoh gh. Once more.

Gwon Osang
Vinyl groove. Close up,very very  very close up: 1000 times. It's a whole other world.
Arran Gregory. Same awesome guy.


Michiel Hendryckx

Ahahahahahah. Piotr Burdan.
I always wanted a skull tattoo. Now I found one!!!

Anouk Kruithof. I love her name!!!

27 January, 2013

Pınar, ne oldu?

Bir Cem Yılmaz esprisi ile başladı herşey.

Gino sokaklarda sürtüklük yaparak hamile kalıp da 3 tane zıpçıktı doğurunca, onlara isim ve yuva bulmak da bize kaldı. 2 oğlan dışarı gitti, 1 kıza ben el koydum. Aralarında babasına en çok benzeyen oydu. Boxerlara özgü yassımsı burnu ve filinta vücut hatları ile su götürmez bir kırmaydı. Bir de o bakışları yok mu, insanın 'ne oldu, hayrola?' diye sorası geliyordu devamlı, bir hüzünlü, bir melül, bir o kadar da şaşkın, bihaber.

Bir Cem Yılmaz esprisi vardı. Tiyatroda erkek arkadaşına trip atan kız arkadaş skeci. Erkek arkadaş devamlı 'Pınar ne oldu? Ya kızım ne oldu, ne dedim ben şimdi? Pınar, ne oldu?' der. Ben de 2'den 77'ye kadar farklı numaralandırabileceğim bakışlarıyla kalbimi çalan bu yavruya "Pınar, ne oldu?" ismini koydum, kısaca Pınar.

Göğsümde yatardı minikken. Kocaman olunca da boyunu posunu bilmez artık altında kaybolan göğsüme seriverirdi kendini. Ben ezilirdim altından ama gıkım çıkmazdı. Bu hiç büyümeyecek anlaşılan, hep çocuk kalacak diye düşünürdüm.

Hafifçe kızdın mı, şaka ile karışık dahi olsa, gider annesinin kafasına otururdu; bir başka boxer yadigarı tavır. Gino da altında 'nerden aldım bu derdi başıma' misali bakardı bize. Bir öğleden sonra boş bir yoğurt kabını havaya atıp atıp tutarak eğlenişini hatırlarım. Ya da kendi osuruğuna uyanıp kokusundan kaçışını. Salak. Bize baka baka, sarılmayı öğrenmişti, nerden aklına estiyse. Sevdiği birini gördü mü, mesela ben, üzerime atlar, kollarını sarardı kalçama, kafayı da koyardı göbeğime, kalırdı öyle. Sarılalım. Peki, sarılalım.

Numaralı bakışları son anına kadar değişmedi. Hep 2 ile 77 arası. Hep bir melül, bir şaşkın. Hiç büyümedi, hep çocuk kaldı. O nedenle çok ama çok şaşırdık veteriner yaşlı bu, kalbi zayıf deyince. Nasıl yaşlı olurdu Pınar, daha çocuk, daha büyümedi ki.

Dün, 12 yaşının bütün ağırlığını son 3 gecesine sığdırmış olmanın ağırlığıyla 'ne oldu' demeye kalmadı ve oldu.

Çok keyifliydi onunla 12 sene paylaşmak. Öyle harika bir yaratıktı ki, komik, şirin, salak, sevgi dolu, şaşkın, ilham verici.

O kavşakta sola saptı, biz düz devam ediyoruz. İlerde bir yerde buluşacak yollarımız yine. O zamana kadar kendine iyi bak yavru.

İyi yolculuklar Pınar. Pınar.... ne oldu?

Çok tipik bir Pınar bakışı. no: 28. A very stereotypical Pinar look. no: 28.

Pinar hala kucağa sığabiliyorken. Pinar, still small enough to fit on laps.

Everything started with a Cem Yılmaz sketch.

After Gino got herself famously pregnant and gave birth to 3 awesome bitches, it was up to us to find names and homes for them. 2 boys went away, I held on to the girl. She was the one that looked most like her father. Flat boxer nose and slim body. And the looks she gave made you want to ask "What's wrong?"; perpetually sad, confused, melancholic.

There was a Cem Yılmaz sketch consistent of a girlfriend tripping on her boyfriend. The boyfriend continuously asked :"Pinar, what's wrong? What did I do? Woman, what's the matter?". So I named her after this sketch due to her largely numbered looks that stole my heart on day one: "Pinar, What's wrong?" Shortly Pinar.

She used sleep on my chest when she was little. She continued to do so even after she got too big and my chest got crushed under her weight. She did it until she no longer fit on me, she was way too big. I thought she was never going to grow up, always be a kid.

When you scolded her, even jokingly, she went ahead and sit on her mom's head: another reminiscent boxer behavior. I remember her playing with an empty yogurt cup all afternoon long, throwing it up and trying to catch as it fell. Or waking up to her own fart sound, smelling it and running away. Idiot. After observing us she had learned to give hugs. When she saw someone she loved, say me, she'd jump on me, place her paws around my hips and rest her head on my belly. Let's hug. Ok, let's hug, baby.

Her largely numbered looks never changed. From 2 to 77. Always melancholic, confused. Never grew up, always stayed a kid. That's why we were so surprised when the vet announced her heart was too weak to carry her any longer. How could she have been old, she has not grown up yet.

Yesterday, she got crushed under the weight of 12 years.

It was incredibly fun to share 12 years with her. She was soo amazing, funny, cute, idiotic, loving, confused, inspirational.

She took the left turn at the intersection. We are keeping straight. But we will meet again. Take care of yourself until then, my little baby.

Good journey Pinar. Pinar.... what's wrong?

25 January, 2013

BEST OF Chuck Norris facts

Chuck Norris died ten years ago, but the Grim Reaper can't get up the courage to tell him.

When chuck Norris does push ups, he isn't lifting himself up, he is pushing the Earth down instead.

When Chuck Norris crosses the street, the cars have to look both ways.

Apple pays Chuck Norris 99 cents every time he listens to a song.

Chuck Norris doesn't call the wrong number. You answer the wrong phone.

Chuck Norris makes onions cry.

Some magicians can walk on water. Chuck Norris cam swim through land.

Chuck Norris has a grizzly bear carpet in his room. The bears isn't dead, it is just afraid to move.

Chuck Norris doesn't flush the toilet. He scares the shit out of it.

Chuck Norris counted to infinity. Twice.

Chuck Norris can slam a revolving door.

Death once had a near-Chuck Norris experience.

Chuck Norris doesn't wear a watch. He decides what time it is.

Chuck Norris made a Happy Meal cry.

Chuck Norris can strangle you with a cordless phone.

When Chuck Norris enters a room, he doesn't turn the lights on, he turns the dark off.

The last digit of pi is Chuck Norris. He is the end of all things.

How many push-ups can Chuck Norris do? All of them.

Chuck Norris won a staring contest with Medusa.

Very very sad news: Chuck Norris died earlier today, but he is ok now.

24 January, 2013

22 January, 2013

Best knuckle tattoo

Right hand knuckles: COLD
Left hand knuckles: SOUP
What does it read? COLD SOUP

- currently on the go


I will eventually prepare a post about my trip to Swiss Alps. But in the meantime, this will give a good idea:

21 January, 2013

Visual Stimuli 21.01.2013

Very frustrated, like a kid running after an ice-cream truck :) There I said it!

Anthony Peters or imeusdesign 
In the same realm as:
I'm gonna date you so hard.
Then marry the fuck out of you.
And raise the shit outta your children
Paul Cassidy. Woooowwwww

Christine MoorDifferent Sounds, 2011, Watercolor painting

Olafur Eliasson
Jennifer Bolande
Martine Feipel & Jean Bechameil.
Unthink the way you think.
I don't smoke anymore. It has been seven years.
But you gotta admit that it is a cool looking killer.
"I hired a hitman for myself. It only costs me 9tl a day, though he takes his sweet ass time :P"

Yeoh gh.
So this is how it goes: I browse interwebs and drop everthing I like in a folder.
Then I chose some to publish on the blog. 
Only then I start looking for the artists,
This is the 3rd or 4th time I am featuring Yeoh. Unintentional yet amazing :)

You see, I don't want to own this table. But I don't mind spending some time in the house that has it.
Archipelago II Table by Eagle Wolf Orca
Carl Brugess
And I definitely want to spend an evening or two, or even three, maybe seven in this room. 

Rain Day logo by Toko Design.
Mickal Karcz

This and the Eagle Wofl Orca table has something in common. 
Kori Newkirk
Thomas Hannich and Arndt von Hoff

Maxime Ansiau
Ulrich Rückriem. good luck with the link :P
 Brock Davis. Real pasta, real homage.
Byoungho Kim. Totally cool.
So simple yet so striking.
Is this for real? Can, please, someone try it and tell me?!!!
Why don't you do it yourself?
I dont have a white lacoste shirt.
I find this incredibly sexy. hmm.
Photo by Chris Von Wangenheim, 1 February 1977.
Doberman biting the leg of model Christie Brinkley 
wearing a metallic high-heeled sandal by Geoffrey Bee

Eric Mistretta
Alain Bousquet
Horacio Salinas